Save Coral Reefs, Save the Earth Ecosystem
Strolling on the beach, immersed in the beauty of nature, sunset, and the breezy air is delightful. However, as we enjoy this experience, we carry a significant responsibility that may seem insignificant. Each time we discard "tiny" trash on the beach, we contribute to contaminating the ocean. Trash can travel across the world's oceans, accumulating on beaches and within gyres. This debris harms physical habitats, transports chemical pollutants, threatens aquatic life, and interferes with human uses of river, marine, and coastal environments.
Now, let's talk about corals. They are beautiful, colorful, and make amazing gifts for loved ones when returning home from beach holidays. However, this act is not just selfish; it's destructive. We need to stop normalizing giving corals as gifts to someone. Coral itself is already a beautiful gifts from mother nature. Many of us are unaware that these beautiful structures are made by living creatures, and fewer still realize that corals are dying off at alarming rates.
"Did you know that coral reefs protect coastlines from storms and erosion, provide jobs for local communities, and offer opportunities for recreation? They are also a source of food and new medicines. Over half a billion people depend on reefs for food, income, and protection." - (NOAA)
"Coral reefs are also the epicenter of global marine life. They host 30% of marine biodiversity worldwide while occupying less than 0.2% of the ocean floor." (NOAA, 2019)
Imagine if our selfish acts continue, causing more pollution and not protecting this precious ecosystem. This will result in harming more marine species, eventually affecting us, the living people—loss of jobs, loss of resources, and more extinct animals.
If you're thinking about whether coral reefs are endangered wildlife, you're definitely right.
This year, Sothys have partnered with Tenaka, a Social and Solidarity Economy company contributing to the regeneration of coral reefs in protected marine areas of the Coral Triangle, the epicenter of global marine biodiversity. This partnership will focus on restoring coral reefs, protecting and preserving this critically important and endangered wildlife, while strengthening the adaptation of coastal communities to the climate crisis.
Sothys x Tenaka have started working on regenerating coral reefs at Tioman Island, a Marine Protected Area referring to oceans that have degraded because of human impacts.
Tenaka has replanted 2.5 hectares of coral, preserving 4,000 species of fish and invertebrates.
This program contributes to the following SDGs by United Nation.
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